Our Operations

Our Law Firm has a significant and wide experience in the following areas:

Company law

Company law
  • Formation and transformation of companies
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Drafting company law-related decisions that occur in the everyday life of companies
  • Full court of registration administration
  • Cases related to bankruptcy, winding-up and enforcement
  • Keeping the minutes at company events (members’ meeting, general assembly, management board and supervisory board meetings) and drafting other legal documentation
  • In the context of acquisitions, the full legal audit of the target company (due diligence), including company law and labour law due diligence, and the audit of the total credit and contract portfolio
  • In cases of company transformation, involvement in the drafting of owners’ decisions, and their notification to the court of registration and other authorities
  • Advice, representation and administration in domestic and foreign company formation issues; furthermore, dealing with legal matters of companies, other organisations, associations and foundations

Property law

Property law

Legal advice on property sale, property development and utilisation, to both private individuals and companies.

In the event of the purchase/sale of any apartment, family home or property of other classification (construction lot, recreational properties, garages, land, etc.), or upon the conclusion of a property sale agreement, we can provide the following services to our partners:

  • examination of the property’s status / acquisition of title deeds
  • assessment of the tax and duty implications of a sale
  • drafting or consultation on documentation related to a sale / rental / donation / operating transaction
  • provision of custody services in connection with sales transactions
  • full administration and representation at the Land Registry
  • drafting a deed of foundation for condominiums; dealing with other administrative matters of condominiums

Energy law

Energy law

Our activities include the following areas of energy law:

  • Drafting energy-related contracts
  • Advice on utility easement cases
  • Full administration of authorisation procedures
  • Advice on supply and trade of electricity and natural gas
  • Advice on electricity and natural gas supply agreements
  • Drafting Business Terms and Conditions
  • Advice on renewable energies

Copyright law

Copyright law
  • Advice on works protected by copyright; legal advice on related rights performance
  • Drafting of and consultation on licence agreements
  • Enforcement of copyright; advice on matters of copyright infringement
  • Advice to users

Data Protection

  • Drafting privacy policies, information sheets and statements
  • Advice on privacy and data processing matters

Other areas of civil law

  • Követelések érvényesítésével kapcsolatos peres és nemperes eljárások
  • Öröklési ügyekben tanácsadás, végrendeletek készítése, képviselet hagyatéki eljárásban
  • Házassági vagyonjogi ügyekben tanácsadás, okiratszerkesztés

This site is maintained by the law firm registered by the Budapest Bar Association under No. 1569, in accordance with the legislation applicable to lawyers and with the internal policies, available on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association, together with information on customer rights: www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu .
